The SoundGod Story ------------------ SoundGod is the title by which myself, Evan Korzon, and the real SoundGod Chris Snyder go by. We started writing music when he was a junior and I was a freshman in High School. Now, one summer later, we actually can do some pretty nifty stuff. This is the first (trial) song that we have done. I hope you like it. Please, feel free to mail us at my address, (I know AOL sucks, but I have yet to switch to Netscape) or Chris's address, when he gets one. Comments/Suggestions welcome, in fact, wanted. Look for more somewhere. If all goes well, I will get a sight to put our stuff at. Mail me for info. Greetz to people I know, but who don't know me (all the PC musicians out there). Still thinking of a closing remark, Evan Korzon 9/96